All good songs are found by accident and leave a lasting impression. Some of my all-time favourite songs were discovered by chance. Today’s tune is one of those songs you stumble upon and simply fall in love with. The song Amsterdam by Jacques Brel is an ode to the city and its nightlife. It tells us the story of sailors on port leave in Amsterdam.
It is an old song from the 60s. Although it is called Amsterdam, it wasn’t originally written about that city. The Belgian Jacques Brel wrote the song about Antwerp (‘Anvers). But the name of the Belgian port city didn’t fit the song’s time signature, so Antwerp was changed to Amsterdam. The lyrics remained the same, and thus the current tune was created.
Jacques Brel never recorded and released the song. Only a live version was recorded. Nevertheless, the song became a hit. It was covered multiple times, most famously by David Bowie and the Dutch band De Dijk.
That’s all for now. Enjoy this song, and see you tomorrow.